Home Boarding
This is a popular service and available exclusively for Doggy Daycare Customers only ....
Home Boarding is a real alternative to traditional dog boarding kennels. Perfect Pet Services will arrange for your dog to stay in a suitable family home, perfectly matched to your dogs needs, receiving the best attention at all times. Unlike traditional dog boarding kennels, your dog will receive one to one attention and taken care of as a family pet. Your dog will receive undivided attention at all times. All your pet’s usual routines will be maintained including: walking, feeding and sleeping arrangements.
Stress free accommodation and relaxation for your dog. All accommodation also includes a fully enclosed garden where your dog is free to roam and play.

Dog Walking
Perfect when you are unable to walk your dog yourself.....
At Perfect Pet Services we walk all breeds of dog, no matter how big or small or how old or young they are and always put their safety and well being first. Your dog can be walked on its own or with another dog depending on your needs. We specialise in one to one walks so that your dogs gets the full attention it deserves. We are happy to keep your dog on or off it's lead, whichever you're more comfortable with.
You will consistently have the same dog walkers who will establish a dependable routine. All of our dog walkers are fully trained, checked and insured.
£12 one dog per 30 minutes
£18 one dog per 60 minutes
Cat/Kitten Sitting
Perfect for cats that like to stay at home...
Our Cat Sitting Service enables your cat to remain in its own home in a familiar environment, avoiding the stress that cats often experience when away from their owners.
As well as feeding, water and attending to litter trays, to maintain your cats usual routine we can provide services to meet your cats individual needs such as combing/brush, playing or just some homely company.
£14 per visit (Travelling costs may apply)

Dog/Puppy Sitting
Perfect for dogs that like to stay at home...
We also provide a sitting service where we can call at your home and make sure your dog/puppy is happy.
Most pets do not enjoy being on their own for long periods and this provides them with some company in the day so you won't have to feel guilty about leaving them.
£14 per visit (Travelling costs may apply)
Puppy Socialisation
The perfect opportunity to socialise your puppy...
Puppies and adult dogs will benefit from socialisation throughout their lives. Everyone they meet, everything they see and everywhere they go will be a brand new experience for your puppy. This period as a puppy can make a big difference to their behaviour in later life, negative behaviour in fully-grown dogs can often be traced back to a lack of socialisation as a puppy. It’s therefore vital that you give your puppy a wide range of experiences in a calm and controlled way. And it’s our job to make it all as enjoyable as possible so that they learn to be relaxed, confident and friendly.
Once fully vaccinated your puppy is welcome here at the Doggy Daycare Centre where we introduce and socialise your puppy in a controlled environment until they can be fully integrated with fully-grown dogs... there is no joining fee or contract.
Up to the age of 6 months - TWO FREE 2 hour sessions.

Small Animal Care/Boarding
We make sure your small pets are cared for when needed...
Perfect Pet Services also provide care for all other small domestic pets for example Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Mice, Rats, Gerbils, Hamsters, Fish, Birds, Tortoises, Bearded Dragons and many more. Feeding, cleaning and bedding change. We can offer home visits or full time boarding if you prefer.
Your small animal can enjoy a holiday here with Perfect Pet Services whilst you are away. All Rabbits and Guinea Pigs enjoy the comfort of their own private inside hutch and a large run. Standard food and bedding is included.
£14 per visit (Travelling costs may apply)
£12 per hutch per 24 hours boarding. (max 2 animals per hutch)